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Batch of materials in Tigasao 🏡

Photo du rédacteur: Siargao MasayaSiargao Masaya

THANK YOU SO MUCH, MERCI INFINIMENT, SALAMAT KARAJAW hope_health_home & @leburo_bar for your trust and precious help. 🙏🏾

This is where your donations have been used. Hope this makes you as happy as it has made them. 🌈

Thanks to your generous donations, Siargao Masaya was able to help families who live in Tigasao, a small village located up north of Siargao, to rebuilt their houses

still really badly damaged 9 months after Typhoon Odette-Rai. 🙌🏽

Siargao Masaya is infinitely grateful for your precious help. Without you guys, we simply could not have helped all these beautiful people! ♥️

Unfortunately, there is still so many people who live to the north of the island who still do really need a hand to rebuilt their houses, still destroyed by the Typhoon. It’s been 9 months already since it hit Siargao and it makes all of us really sad to see these people living in houses which still don’t even have a proper roof to keep them dry while it’s raining.

Today, Siargao Masaya’s team do really want to help more people in this situation. If this reasonates close to your heart and you are able to donate anything, please send it here.👇🏽

Siargao Masaya

Clos d’Amont 10

1638 Morlon

Banque Raiffeisen

N• compte bancaire :

CH12 8080 8006 1471 6313 7

Every single donation makes a difference, no matter how small it could be. Thank you so much for them. 🙏🏾 Please keep in mind that Siargao Masaya is a small NGO, which makes sure that all donations received will be directly used to help the local people of Siargao island. 🦋

A special thank to those incredible people, who helped us so much along the way, to make this possible. BAMBA SQUAD yeeew 🤙🏽 you know who you are. 😉♥️



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