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Our projects > Emergency Fund

Siargao Masaya  —  



Faced with the difficulties arising for the poorest families in Siargao to pay for their medical care, an emergency fund was set up to enable them to receive essential assistance to finance their expenses in case of hospitalization.

How does the emergency fund work ?

In most villages of Siargao, there is a medical center with a doctor able to provide basic medical care. Yet, in reality, patients are most often redirected directly to the hospital of Dapa, the main city located 12 kilometers from General Luna.


The hospital is very old and only intervenes for the most basic care. In the case of more serious health problems, such as surgery or dialysis, patients must go by ferry to Surigao Hospital on the island of Mindanao, which is four hours far by boat.


People going to the hospital often don’t have the means to pay for either admission, primary care or medication. The hospital service then proposes a diagnosis and a quote to the patient who will not receive any care if he can not afford to provide for it.


Thanks to the emergency fund, we help children and their families in critical cases and give them a second chance when medicine abandons its principles of help to everyone.

How to help us ?

You can help us develop our emergency fund by making a donation to the association. In the Philippines, it often takes a few francs to save a life ...

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